Mentions Légales

1. Hosting

Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of 214,410.50 Euros
SIREN: 433 115 904 RCS Paris
Registered office: 8 rue de la Ville l’Evêque, 75008 Paris
VAT number: FR 35 433115904
Publication Director: Arnaud Brindejonc de Bermingham

2. Privacy Policy values your privacy. Please review our Privacy Policy to understand how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

3. Intellectual Property

All content, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, and software on, is the property of and is protected by copyright laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, or use any content from without our prior written consent. The only exceptions are for items images and descriptions, which are the property of Valve.

4. Liability Disclaimer strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any content on our website. is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided. is not responsible for any actions or decisions made by users based on the information available on the website.

5. External Links may contain links to third-party websites for your convenience. These websites are not under our control, and we are not responsible for their content or practices. The inclusion of any external links on does not imply endorsement or approval of the linked websites.

6. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this legal notice, please contact us contact us.

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